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International Journal of Phytomedicine and Phytotherapy

Table 2 Short description of clinical studies with Cimiciduga racemosa preparations preparations

From: Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) is a non-estrogenic alternative to hormone replacement therapy

Ref. (placebo or comparator controlled)


Patient characteristics and age

Treatment, dose, and duration

Outcome measures

Finding and comments

Effects in short

No = Ø

Signif. pos = +

Signif. neg = −

Newton et al. 2006 [44]

Randomized, double-blind, comparator and placebo-controlled

351 early postmenopausal women with 2 or more hot flushes daily

160 mg of a CR extract daily (probably equivalent to 1600 mg dried rhizome powder) vs a multibotanical preparation vs placebo vs 0.625 mg conjugated estrogens with or without 2 mg medroxyprogesterone- acetate, duration 1 year

Frequency and intensity of vasomotor symptoms (Wiklund Vasomotor Symptom Subscale)

Significant reduction under hormone treatment. No significant differences between CR and placebo, worsening of symptoms in multibotanical group.


Note: the CR dose was approximately 40 fold higher than in the studies which yielded positive effects

Bai et al. 2007 [45]

Randomized, double-blind, comparator controlled

244 early post-menopausal women with Kupperman Index > or = 15

Isopropanolic CR extract (40 mg dried rhizome powder daily (equivalent to 5 mg dried extract)) vs 2.5 mg tibolone, duration 3 months.

Kupperman Menopause Index

CR preparation was as effective as tibolone in reducing KMI score


Oktem et al. 2007 [46]

Randomized, comparator controlled trial

120 women with climacteric symptoms

Aquous-ethanolic CR extract BNO 1055 (40 mg dried rhizome powder daily (equivalent to approximately 6.5 mg dried extract)) vs serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine, duration 6 months

Kupperman Menopause Index, Beck’s Depression Scale

Hot flush score improved by 85 % vs 62 under fluoxetine, whereas fluoxetine was more effective than CR to reduce depressive symptoms


Geller et al. 2009 [47]

Randomized, double-blind, comparator and placebo-controlled

89 postmenopausal women with 35 or more hot flushes per week

128 mg of an ethanolic CR extract, vs 398 mg of a red clover extract (containing 120 mg isoflavones) vs 0.625 mg conjugated estrogens in combination with 2.5 mg medroxyprogesterone -acetate vs placebo, duration 12 months

Number of vasomotor symptoms and night sweats

No significant effects by both plant preparation Significant superiority of the hormone preparation.

Note: the CR dose was approximately 25 fold higher than in the studies which yielded positive effects

Van der Sluijs et al. 2009 [52]

Randomized, double-blind placebo controlled trial

93 women women with 6 or more vasomotor symptoms per day

3150 mg dried rhizome powder (equivalent to approximately 300 mg CR extract) per day, duration 16 weeks

Greene Climacte5ric Sclae

No significantly more improvement in comparison to placebo

Note: The CR dose was approximately 50 fold higher than in the studies which positive results

  1. CE conjugated oestrogens, CR Cimicifuga racemosa, DB double blind, GCS greene climacteric scale, KMI Kupperman menopause index, MRS menopause rating scale, PM postmenopausal, RCT randomised controlled trial