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International Journal of Phytomedicine and Phytotherapy

Table 3 A number of cells on histology of kidney, pancreas, and liver rats in various treatments

From: Pharmaceutical hit of anti type 2 Diabetes mellitus on the phenolic extract of Malaka (Phyllanthus emblica L.) flesh


Histology of rat kidney

Histology of rat pancreas

Histology of rat liver

Normal cells of renal tubules (cells, Mean ± SD)

Proximal renal necrosa tubules (cells, Mean ± SD)

Pancreatic β cells (cells, Mean ± SD)

Normal hepatocyte count (cell, Mean ± SD)

Necrosa hepatocytes (cells, Mean ± SD)


560 ± 10,00a

32 ± 2,08d

450 ± 10,00a

180 ± 10,00a

13 ± 3,51c


435 ± 13,22c

123 ± 4,72a

420 ± 10,00b

140 ± 10,00b

30 ± 7,63ab


447 ± 11,50c

103 ± 10,06b

410 ± 11,53b

123 ± 9,50b

43 ± 10,14a


534 ± 10,00b

76 ± 9,50c

436 ± 15,82ab

164 ± 12,50a

25 ± 5,00bc

  1. P0 = the negative control, P1 = the positive control, P2 = the ethyl acetate extract of the Malaka flesh given a concentration of 100 mg/kg body weight, P3 = the ethyl acetate extract of the Malaka flesh given a concentration of 200 mg/kg body weight. Different letters showed significant differences among the group (p < 0.05)