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International Journal of Phytomedicine and Phytotherapy

Table 4 The minimum inhibitory concentrations of guava leaf and bark extracts against bacterial clinical isolates

From: Phytochemical constituent and antimicrobial properties of guava extracts of east Hararghe of Oromia, Ethiopia

Guava extracts

MIC values for clinical isolates in mg/ml

S. Typhi

S. boydii

S. aureus

E. faecalis

Babile leaf

2.500 ± 0.001A

2.375 ± 0.177A

5.000 ± 0.001A

10.00 ± 0.001B

Babile bark

1.250 ± 0.001A

2.500 ± 0.001A

7.500 ± 3.536A

7.500 ± 3.536AB

Gursum leaf

1.875 ± 0.884A

2.500 ± 0.001A

3.750 ± 1.768A

7.500 ± 3.536AB

Gursum bark

1.250 ± 0.001A

3.125 ± 2.652A

2.500 ± 0.001A

3.750 ± 1.768A

  1. The values are Mean ± Standard deviation (n = 2). Letters superscript compares between means in column, and means with similar letters show no significant difference, whereas means with different letters show significant difference at p < 0.05