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International Journal of Phytomedicine and Phytotherapy

Fig. 1 | Clinical Phytoscience

Fig. 1

From: Hematinic effects of Spondias mombin and its protective role against the spleenotoxic effect of phenylhydrazine

Fig. 1

Histological sections of the Spleen. Plate 1a (Control) - Spleen section showing A (red pulp), B (white pulp) and C (sinuses) [H&E × 40]. Plate 1b (Control) - Higher magnification of A and B [H&E × 100]. Plate 2a (Group F) – Spleen section showing A (moderate expansion of red pulp) and B (contraction of lymphoid follicles) [H&E × 40]. Plate 2b (Group F) Higher magnification of A and B [H&E × 100]. Plate 3a (Group B) Spleen section showing A (mild sinus histiocytosis) and B (red pulp expansion) [H&E × 40]. Plate 3b (Group B) Higher magnification of A and B [H&E × 100]. Plate 4a (Group E) Spleen section showing A (moderate red pulp expansion) and B (mild sinus histiocytosis) [H&E × 40]. Plate 4b (Group E) Higher magnification of A and B [H&E × 100]. Plate 5a (Group C) Spleen section showing A (moderate red pulp expansion) and B (histiocytosis) [H&E × 40]. Plate 5b (Group C) Higher magnification of A and B [H&E × 100]. Plate 6a (Group D) Spleen section showing A (mild red pulp expansion) and B (mild follicular activation and sinus histiocytosis) [H&E × 40]. Plate 6b (Group D) Higher magnification A and B [H&E × 100]

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