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International Journal of Phytomedicine and Phytotherapy

Table 2 Effect of aqueous leaf extract of V. amygdalina and B. tenoreana on the fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels of alloxan-induced diabetic rats

From: Comparative studies on the hypoglycemic and antioxidant activities of Vernonia amygdalina delile and Baccharoides tenoreana olive in alloxan-induced hyperglycemic rats


Fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels (mg/kg)


0 h PT

1 h PT

3 h PT

6 h PT

24 h PT

7 D PT

14 D PT

21 D PT


75.60 ± 0.51a

75.80 ± 0.37a

76.00 ± 0.63a

75.20 ± 0.97a

75.20 ± 0.73a

75.20 ± 0.97a

75.60 ± 0.25a

74.60 ± 0.68a

74.40 ± 0.51a


79.80 ± 0.80a

219.40 ± 1.08d

219.60 ± 0.87d

219.00 ± 0.45d

216.40 ± 0.81d

210.60 ± 1.08d

209.80 ± 4.18d

192.60 ± 2.36d

180.00 ± 2.23d


75.80 ± 0.97a

224.00 ± 1.58d

199.80 ± 1.39c

176.40 ± 1.03c

159.40 ± 0.87c

124.00 ± 1.48c

118.20 ± 0.97c

79.10 ± 1.07ab

78.80 ± 1.59ab


81.00 ± 0.89a

218.20 ± 1.88d

201.40 ± 2.18d

180.40 ± 1.03c

161.20 ± 1.07c

126.60 ± 1.81c

121.00 ± 1.34c

79.20 ± 0.81ab

81.60 ± 2.01bc


77.80 ± 0.63a

216.00 ± 1.58d

200.80 ± 1.59c

182.40 ± 1.17c

161.00 ± 0.89c

132.80 ± 1.16c

124.20 ± 1.16c

110.40 ± 0.75c

85.60 ± 0.93c


81.80 ± 0.58a

221.60 ± 0.93d

125.00 ± 1.84b

112.00 ± 0.95b

106.00 ± 1.30b

78.80 ± 1.24ab

78.80 ± 2.01ab

78.20 ± 0.58ab

74.20 ± 0.58a

  1. Different superscripts a, b, c and d along the same column (across groups) indicate significant difference at P < 0.05.
  2. PI Pre-induction, PT Post-treatment, h hour (s), D Days